
Necronomicon: Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft
Necronomicon: Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft

WIKIPEDIA says: 'H.P. Lovecraft's reputation has grown tremendously over the decades, and he is now


Supernatural Horror in Literature
Supernatural Horror in Literature

Supernatural Horror in Literature,H.P.Lovecraft所著,全书共有72页,Createspace出版发行,图书装帧形式选用平装,ISBN: 150049945


Supernatural Horror in Literature
Supernatural Horror in Literature

Great modern American supernaturalist brilliantly surveys history of genre to 1930s, summarizing, ev


The Essential Tales of H.P. Lovecraft
The Essential Tales of H.P. Lovecraft

The Essential Tales of H.P. Lovecraft,H.P.Lovecraft所著,Rock Point出版发行,图书装帧形式选用软精装,ISBN: 1631062417


The Complete Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft
The Complete Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft

Another fantastic edition in the Knickerbocker Classic series is The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecr


The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics)
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics)

The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics)是一本Horror方面的书籍,H.P.L


Supernatural Horror in Literature
Supernatural Horror in Literature

Great modern American supernaturalist brilliantly surveys history of genre to 1930s, summarizing, ev
