
Chemisch-technische Untersuchungsmethoden: Erster Band
Chemisch-technische Untersuchungsmethoden: Erster Band

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die

Berl Lunge

Chemisch-technische Untersuchungsmethoden: Vierter Band
Chemisch-technische Untersuchungsmethoden: Vierter Band

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die

Berl Lunge

Trauma and Combat Critical Care in Clinical Practice
Trauma and Combat Critical Care in Clinical Practice

Intensive Care Medicine (or Critical Care, the terms are used interchangeably) is an evolving specia

Sam Hutchings

Petits problèmes de physique - 1ere partie: Mathématiques spéciales MP,PC,PSI et premier cycle universitaire
Petits problèmes de physique - 1ere partie: Mathématiques spéciales MP,PC,PSI et premier cycle universitaire

Développer l'intuition physique, modéliser les problèmes physiques de la vie quotidienne, savoir pos

Francois Graner

Finite Element Methods in Dynamics
Finite Element Methods in Dynamics

This book presents the latest developments in structural dynamics with particular emphasis on the f


The Dat Technical Service Handbook
The Dat Technical Service Handbook

A manual for audio technicians and engineers to servicing and repairing digital audio tape equipment

Richard Maddox

Arzneimittelsicherheit - Wunsch und Wirklichkeit
Arzneimittelsicherheit - Wunsch und Wirklichkeit

Laut wissenschaftlicher Studien könnten 30 bis 70 Prozent unerwünschter Arzneimittelwirkungen vermie


Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications in Manufacturing
Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications in Manufacturing

Written by experts from the world’s leading institutions in the field, this is the only book to cove


Neurology: An Evidence-Based Approach
Neurology: An Evidence-Based Approach

Evidence-based Clinical Practice (EBCP) is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current

Jorge G.Burneo

Guide to Computer Viruses: How to avoid them, how to get rid of them, and how to get help
Guide to Computer Viruses: How to avoid them, how to get rid of them, and how to get help

For those who didn't buy the first edition, welcome aboard. For those who did buy the first edition,

Robert Slade


Neutrinos play a fundamental role in the latest particle physics theories, such as Grand Unified The

F.T.III Avignone

The Ocean Basins and Margins: Volume 7A The Pacific Ocean
The Ocean Basins and Margins: Volume 7A The Pacific Ocean

1. North Pacific Sediments.- I. Introduction.- II. Framework of Sedimentation.- A. Physiography.- B.

Alan E.M.Nairn

Lernen zu lernen: Lernstrategien wirkungsvoll einsetzen
Lernen zu lernen: Lernstrategien wirkungsvoll einsetzen

Lernen zu lernen: Lernstrategien wirkungsvoll einsetzen,Werner Metzig所著,全书共有201页,Springer出版发行,图书装帧形式

Werner Metzig

Handbuch der organischen Chemie: 4. Auflage
Handbuch der organischen Chemie: 4. Auflage

Handbuch der organischen Chemie: 4. Auflage,Werner Brich所著,Springer出版发行,图书装帧形式选用精装,ISBN: 3895360589

Werner Brich

Stellar Physics: 2: Stellar Evolution and Stability
Stellar Physics: 2: Stellar Evolution and Stability

"Stellar Physics" is a an outstanding book in the growing body of literature on star formation and e

Gennady S.Bisnovatyi•Kogan

Natural Sinks of CO2: Palmas Del Mar, Puerto Rico, 24–27 February 1992
Natural Sinks of CO2: Palmas Del Mar, Puerto Rico, 24–27 February 1992

Most of the attention with respect to the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations cen

Joe Wisniewski

Rheology of Polymers: Viscoelasticity and Flow of Polymers
Rheology of Polymers: Viscoelasticity and Flow of Polymers

If one dismisses the Prophetess Deborah who in her famous song after the victory over the Philistine


Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision
Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision

Scale is a concept the antiquity of which can hardly be traced. Certainly the familiar phenomena tha

Bart M.Haar Romeny

Ultrasonic Transducer Materials
Ultrasonic Transducer Materials

In recent years remarkable progress has been made in the development of materials for ultrasonic tra


Remote Assessment of Ocean Color for Interpretation of Satellite Visible Imagery: A Review
Remote Assessment of Ocean Color for Interpretation of Satellite Visible Imagery: A Review

Since the pioneering work of Clarke et a1. (1970) it has been known that chlorophyll a (or. more gen


Neutron Stars 1: Equation of State and Structure
Neutron Stars 1: Equation of State and Structure

The book gives an extended review of theoretical and observational aspects of neutron star physics.


Atomic Hypothesis and the Concept of Molecular Structure
Atomic Hypothesis and the Concept of Molecular Structure

"Imagination and shrewd guesswork are powerful instruments for acquiring scientific knowledge . . .


Time Series Models: In econometrics, finance and other fields
Time Series Models: In econometrics, finance and other fields

This volume consists of the revised versions of the main papers given at the second Seminaire Europe


Was Sie schon immer über Sucht wissen wollten
Was Sie schon immer über Sucht wissen wollten

Was Sie schon immer über Sucht wissen wollten,Werner Gross所著,全书共有156页,Springer出版发行,图书装帧形式选用平装,ISBN:

Werner Gross

Fundamentals of Cybernetics
Fundamentals of Cybernetics

The development of science consists not only of deepening and widening the already established scien


Self-Handicapping: The Paradox That Isn’t
Self-Handicapping: The Paradox That Isn’t

The concept of self-handicapping can be legitimately anchored in a vari­ ety of intellectual context

Raymond L.Higgins

Parallel Processing Techniques for Simulation
Parallel Processing Techniques for Simulation

This volume provides the proceedings of the First European Workshop on Parallel Processing Technique

Madan Singh

Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology

Stjärne: The present review puts the emphasis on two important developments: the discovery that indi
