Penguin Books Ltd

The Weather Makers: Our Changing Climate and What it Means for Life on Earth
The Weather Makers: Our Changing Climate and What it Means for Life on Earth

在线阅读本书The Weather Makers tells the dramatic story of the earth's climate, of how it has changed, how

Tim Flannery

Triumph and Tragedy: v. 6: The Second World War
Triumph and Tragedy: v. 6: The Second World War

在线阅读本书诺贝尔文学奖得主、英国前首相丘吉尔全景式历史巨著 入选美国“当代文库100”20世纪百大英文非小说 “一项文学奖本来意在把荣誉给予作者,而这一次却相反,是作者给了这项文学奖以荣誉。”  

Sir Winston S.Churchill

At Swim-Two-Birds
At Swim-Two-Birds

在线阅读本书Flann O'Brien's first novel is a brilliant impressionistic jumble of ideas, mythology and nons

Flann O'Brien

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness
Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness

Every day we make decisions: about the things that we buy or the meals we eat; about the investments

理查得•H•泰勒(Richard H.Thaler)