Biological Sciences(生物学)


With a new format and the most up-to-date information available, discover fascinating physical and b

Chris Mattison

Tyrannosaurid Paleobiology
Tyrannosaurid Paleobiology

The opening of an exhibit focused on "Jane," a beautifully preserved tyrannosaur collected by the Bu

J.Michael Parrish

Analysis of Phylogenetics and Evolution with R
Analysis of Phylogenetics and Evolution with R

The increasing availability of molecular and genetic databases coupled with the growing power of com

Emmanuel Paradis

Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, & the Economic World
Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, & the Economic World

In a book about the marriage of the born and the made--the biologicalization of everything from comp

Kevin Kelly

The Other Saber-tooths: Scimitar-tooth Cats of the Western Hemisphere
The Other Saber-tooths: Scimitar-tooth Cats of the Western Hemisphere

Like the better-known Smilodon, or saber-tooth cat, the scimitar-tooth cats of the New World were f

Virginia L.Naples