Psychometric Testing: 1000 Ways to Assess Your Personality, Creativity, Intelligence and Lateral Thinking

Psychometric Testing: 1000 Ways to Assess Your Personality, Creativity, Intelligence and Lateral Thinking

Philip Carter
Capstone 版次:1
Job Hunting & Careers(求职与职业)
499 g
13.6 x 1.8 x 21.8 cm

在线阅读本书More and more employees are having to sit psychometric tests as part of the interviewing process. On paper, a person′s skills and experience may perfectly fit the job description, but the employer also wants to know things about the individual′s personality: for example, their weak and strong points; whether they will fit in with the department; whether they can retain information quickly; and whether they have management potential or whether they will always require supervision. This book is designed to help the individual master taking psychometric tests, and help them decide, before applying for a job, what their individual personality type is – extrovert, emotional, creative or assertive. Working through the tests will give the reader the ability to improve their skills in the key areas of lateral thinking, problem solving, and intelligence, and the book also provides a guide to assessing performance. ∗ Familiarity with the type of questions set in psychometric tests will give readers an idea of what to expect, and will help them relax in a test situation ∗ Authors are experts in psychometric and IQ testing and have written over 94 books on all types of tests ∗ More and more employers are using psychometric testing at interview – including government, education, industry, armed forces and commerce. There is a real need for this type of book to guide the potential employee through the structure of psychometric tests Ken Russell and Philip Carter first met in 1984 through their membership of Enigmasig, a special interest group within British Mensa devoted to the setting and solving of puzzles. They published their first book as joint authors in 1987 and with the publication of this series will have over 100 titles to their credit ranging from quizzes, IQ testing and puzzles.

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