I Couldn't Help It! Essays on Moral Responsibility and Alternative Possibilities

I Couldn't Help It! Essays on Moral Responsibility and Alternative Possibilities

Maria Romero•Ramirez
Proquest Umi Dissertation Publishing
213 g

The demographic makeup of the United States is becoming increasingly racially and ethnically diverse. Approximately one third of U.S. citizens are non-European Americans and more than 32 million individuals speak a language other than English. People from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds are reported to have higher rates of work injury, disability, and unemployment than European Americans. Specifically, traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been reported to occur at higher rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans. Individuals with TBI, as a whole, experience many difficulties in returning to work and turn to the state vocational rehabilitation (VR) system as a viable source to obtain employment. Rehabilitation counselors are beginning to work with an increasingly larger number of clients with TBI from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds with traumatic brain injury. Concerns about the detrimental effects of racial and ethnic bias affecting acceptance rates, service delivery, and employment outcomes among individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups have been identified in the rehabilitation literature. This research project examines VR service patterns and employment outcomes for racial and ethnic minority individuals with TBI. Using the Rehabilitation Services Administration National Case Services Reprort (RSA-911) fiscal year (FY) 2007; several analyses are conducted to examine if there are differences in services provided for different racial and ethnic groups and the likelihood of them obtaining competitive employment compared to European American clients. Descriptive statistics, multiple discriminant analysis, odds ratios, and several logistic regressions are used for the current study. Findings indicate that there are service pattern differences for clients with TBI from racial and ethnic minority groups especially between European Americans and African Americans. Further, results indicate that differences in employment outcomes also exist between the racial and ethnic minority groups. Implications for more rigorous studies to examine the effects of stereotypes, AODA assessment competencies, and assessment of functional abilities for rehabilitation counselors for all racial and ethnic minority clients with TBI were identified.

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