How to Win Any Negotiation: Without Raising Your Voice, Losing Your Cool, or Coming to Blows

How to Win Any Negotiation: Without Raising Your Voice, Losing Your Cool, or Coming to Blows

Robert Mayer
Career Press 版次:1
404 g
23 x 15.4 x 1.5 cm

Book Description"An important and most helpful book for everybody. It delivers more power to you!"                             -Larry King, host, LARRY KING LIVE "No magic elixirs or mumbo jumbo; just straight-talking, easy-to understand, easy-to-remember, and easy-to-use principles of persuasion and negotiation—secrets I’ve seen in action when Bob Mayer has successfully negotiated for me."                             -David Crosby, singer/songwriter (Crosby, Stills & Nash) "Bob Mayer is a world-class negotiator who demystifies the art of getting what you want."                             -Nolan Bushnell, "Father Of The Video Game Industry" Today’s super negotiator has to be a versatile problem solver, seeking hard-bargain results with a soft touch. With punch and panache, Bob Mayer shows you how to make the grade, revealing powerful negotiating tools drawn from a unique blend of sources: ? Recent advances in psychology, linguistics, trial advocacy, sales, and management communications—the cutting edge of the art of performance. ? Tips, tricks, and techniques from 200 of the world’s masters—the legendary street and bazaar merchants of Bombay, Istanbul, Cairo, and Shanghai. ? Mayer’s own "been there, done that" years as a lawyer representing thousands of clients (from foreign government agencies and mega-corporations to some of the world’s best-known actors, authors, and athletes), negotiating deals on everything from amphitheaters to Zero aircraft. You’ll learn what works—and what doesn’t—when you’re up against a stone wall…or your ideas are being rejected…or you’re confronted with hostility and anger. Included is the highly acclaimed Deal Maker’s Playbook, a collection of step-by-step "how-to’s" and "what-to’s" for 38 common negotiating situations such as: ? Buying a car ? Leasing an apartment ? Dealing with the IRS ? Interviewing for a Job ? Buying a franchise ? Getting out of debt It’s all here—the fancy footwork and magic moves for outgunning, outmaneuvering, and out-negotiating the other person. And the techniques for developing life skills that will dramatically enhance your chances of professional success and personal satisfaction. Book Dimension length: (cm)23.1                 width:(cm)15.4

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