Big Cat: Red A Starter Set (Age 3-4)

Big Cat: Red A Starter Set (Age 3-4)

Cliff Moon
1.3 Kg

“柯林斯大猫系列”将以独特的多重感官初级阅读教程培养孩子持久的阅读兴趣。本系列图书渗透了各种阅读技巧训练,同时鼓励孩子多思考,以此培养孩子准确、流利阅读的能力,同时将外国儿童教育的先进思维方式合理的运用在英语阅读中,使孩子在享受阅读的乐趣的同时,轻松完成英语学习。研究发现4-5岁儿童,是接受各种事物的时期,形象知觉发展最敏感,机械记忆能力也较强,抽象、逻辑思维能力开始发展,好奇心、求知欲望较强烈,肌肉的灵活性及用眼的协调性增强。他们需要通过感觉、知觉以及各种活动来探索世界,建立对周围环境的认识和概念,“柯林斯大猫系列”针对这一特点,设计了粉色和红色两套图书,每套图书又分A和B两个分支,A砸实基础,B稳步提高,由浅入深,完成对孩子注意力、观察力、记忆力和思维力的全面培养,扎实基础,让英语学习和思维训练同时进行。“柯林斯大猫系列”红色套书中,将逐渐涉及一些较复杂的单词和句子,将粉色系列中所学习到的知识融合起来,通过构建各个事物的关系知识网,引导孩子学会使用较难的英语句子,如《风在哪里(where is the wind)》,通过小鼹鼠找风的故事,让孩子温习了关于动物的各类“名词”和“看”这个动词,同时孩子还将学习到疑问句和风是看不到的这个道理,由浅入深,让英语学习符合适龄儿童思维发展过程,科学有效的进行英语学习,轻松度过英语学习的困难期。“柯林斯大猫红色系列”A、B两套各包括14本全彩故事书、两本父母指导手册(英汉各一本)和学习CD一张。Red AWeather Report 《天气预报》 ISBN 978-0-00-718655-6The awe-inspiring photographs and illustrations in this non-fiction report about different types of weather will provide your students with a fascinating and informative insight into the world outside the classroom window. 这本非小说书中的令人惊叹的照片和插图将会提供给孩子们关于外部世界的迷人信息。How to Make a Sock Puppet 《制作手偶》 ISBN 978-0-00-732919-9Let’s get creative and have fun! Get an old sock, some glue, marker pens and material and follow this simple instruction text to make your own cool frog or snake hand puppet. 让我们发挥创造力并有个欢乐时光吧!准备一只旧袜子,一些胶水,标记笔和布料,并跟随简单的说明文字来制作属于你自己的超酷的青蛙或蛇布袋木偶。My Bike Ride 《我的自行车之旅》 ISBN 0-00-718661-4This simple non-fiction text recounts a girl’s journey by bicycle using symbols, maps and directions. 利用符号,地图和方向指示等形式,这本简单的非小说图书叙述了一个女孩骑着自行车的旅程。Up, Up and Away 《远走高飞》 ISBN 0-00-718559-6Follow the red balloon on its journey through the sky in this non-fiction book. 在这本非小说图书内,和红气球一起进行她的天空翱翔之旅吧。Tec and the Cake 《侦探泰克和蛋糕》 ISBN 0-00-718545-6Tec the detective follows the crumbs to find out who ate the cake. 侦探泰克循着面包屑的踪迹以便找出到底是谁偷吃了蛋糕。The Beach 《海滩》 ISBN 0-00-718547-2This is a story of a journey to the seaside, and what the children see on the way. 孩子们要去海边了,在去海边的路上他们看到了什么呢?Have You Ever? 《见过这些动物吗?》 ISBN 978-0-00-718654-9What better way to explore the weird and wonderful creatures of your imagination than through sight, touch, taste and sound. 比起观看﹑触摸﹑品尝和倾听来说,还有没有更好的方法去探索关于你的想象力的那些怪诞和奇妙的生物呢?What’s Inside? 《里面有什么?》 ISBN 0-00-718542-1What’s inside a nut? What’s inside a pod? What’s inside you and me? The clear photos in this book will show children what’s inside all sorts of things. 坚果的里面是什么?豆荚的里面是什么?你和我的里面又是什么?书内清晰的图片会告诉孩子们各种各样的事物里面都有什么。Shapes on the sea shore 《海岸的形状》 ISBN 0-00-718556-1A boy and his mother go for a walk along the seashore and find all sorts of shapes. There’s a starfish shaped like a star, a pebble that’s an oval and a jellyfish that’s a circle. 一个男孩和他的妈妈沿着海边散步,他们发现了各种各样的形状:海星的形状像一颗星星,卵石是椭圆形的,而水母则是圆形的。Cat and Dog play Hide and Seek 《猫猫狗狗捉迷藏》 ISBN 0-00-718660-6Shoo Rayner’s comic duo play hide and seek, with hilarious consequences, in this lively story. 在这个欢乐的故事里和猫猫狗狗一起玩抓迷藏。The Magic Egg 《神奇的蛋》 ISBN 978-0-00-732918-2When a hungry boy wishes for an egg he gets a surprise – a magic egg that makes everything hewishes for come true with hilarious consequences. 当一个饥饿的男孩希望拥有一个蛋的时候惊喜出现了--他获得了一只可以让他所有的愿望都成真的魔法蛋。A Day Out 《外出的一天》 ISBN 0-00-718555-3Bill went for a walk. He went over a river, up a hill and into a wood – all the time followed by a hungry bear who wanted his lunch! 比尔外出去散步。他越过了一条小河,登上了一座小山并进入了一片森林--而这些时间内他都被一只寻找午餐的饥肠辘辘的熊跟着!In the Dark 《黑暗中》 ISBN 0-00-718552-9What happens in the neighbourhood when it is dark? Who can be found in the city streets when children are tucked up in bed? Which animals prowl in the wood by the light of the moon? 当天黑的时候周围会发生什么呢?别的孩子在床上睡觉的时候,谁会被在城市的街道上发现呢?什么样的动物就着月光在树林里徘徊?Tec and the Hole 《侦探泰克和洞》 ISBN 0-00-718554-5Tec the detective has found a hole in the ground –but who dug it?侦探泰克在地下发现了一个洞--是谁挖的呢?Talking Books (CD) ISBN 978-0-00-742170-1Collins Big Cat is the primary reading series with a difference!Edited by Cliff Moon, the series contains over 300 book-based titles from award-winning children's authors and illustrators, 50% fiction and 50% non-fiction. Collins Big Cat provides exciting stories and an unparalleled range of engaging non-fiction titles all beautifully illustrated and printed in a range of shapes and sizes.Bring variety and excitement back into reading by providing children with a REAL reading experience so they become life-long readers.Collins Big Cat includes:150 engaging non-fiction titles;116 engaging story books;23 high-performing playscripts;32 fun phonics readers;11 inspiring poems and poetry collections;Talking Books;Digital resources;Parent Guide for China readers.

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