John Donne

John Donne - The Major Works
John Donne - The Major Works

This authoritative edition was formerly published in the acclaimed Oxford Authors series under the g

John Donne

Collected Poems of John Donne
Collected Poems of John Donne

在线阅读本书 John Donne (1572-1631) is a poet of concerted emotional and intellectual force, whose strenu

John Donne

Metaphysical Poetry: An Anthology
Metaphysical Poetry: An Anthology

The metaphysical poets of the early 17th century produced a body of work that is among the most read

John Donne

Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions and Death's Duel: With the Life of Dr. John Donne by Izaak Walton
Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions and Death's Duel: With the Life of Dr. John Donne by Izaak Walton

John Donne (1572-1631) is best known as the greatest English metaphysical poet. But there was anothe

John Donne