Putnam Juvenile

Phoebe the Spy
Phoebe the Spy

在线阅读本书Someone is planning to kill George Washington, and young Phoebe Fraunces is trying to save his

Judith Griffin

Seven Blind Mice
Seven Blind Mice

在线阅读本书"It's a pillar," says one. "It's a fan," says another. One by one, the seven blind mice invest

Ed Young

Camp Creepy Time
Camp Creepy Time

Einstein P. Fleet is forced to attend camp in the desert despite his best arguments, and man-eating

Gina Gershon

Eats, Shoots  &  Leaves: Why, Commas Really Do Make a Difference!
Eats, Shoots & Leaves: Why, Commas Really Do Make a Difference!

Young and young-at-heart sticklers, unite! Lynne Truss and illustrator Bonnie Timmons provide hilar

Lynne Truss

The Matchlock Gun
The Matchlock Gun

在线阅读本书 In 1756, New York State was still a British colony, and the French and the Indians were const

Walter D.Edmonds