Penguin Classics

Gisli Sursson's Saga and the Saga of the People of Eyri
Gisli Sursson's Saga and the Saga of the People of Eyri

Based on oral tales that originated from historical events in tenth-century Iceland, these two sagas

Vesteinn Olason

The Law and the Lady
The Law and the Lady

在线阅读本书 Probably the first full-length novel with a woman detective as its heroine, The Law and the

Wilkie Collins

Desperate Remedies
Desperate Remedies

在线阅读本书 Hardy described "Desperate Remedies" as a tale of 'mystery, entanglement, surprise and moral

Thomas Hardy

The Shooting Party
The Shooting Party

在线阅读本书The Shooting Party wraps a story of concealed love and fatal jealousy into a classic murder my

Anton Chekhov


在线阅读本书 When Prince Oroonoko�s passion for the virtuous Imoinda arouses the jealousy of his grandfat

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Three Novels of New York (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
Three Novels of New York (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

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Edith Wharton


In the sixth century b.c.-twenty-five hundred years before Einstein-Heraclitus of Ephesus declared t


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So Bright and Delicate: Love Letters and Poems of John Keats to Fanny Brawne

John Keats died aged just twenty-five. He left behind some of the most exquisite and moving verse an

John Keats

The Distracted Preacher and Other Tales (Penguin Classics)
The Distracted Preacher and Other Tales (Penguin Classics)

在线阅读本书The darkly passionate short stories of Thomas Hardy are compelling explorations of love, socia

Thomas Hardy

Uncle Silas
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J.Sheridan Le Fanu

Where Angels Fear to Tread
Where Angels Fear to Tread

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Eyrbyggja Saga
Eyrbyggja Saga

This is an Icelandic saga which mixes realism with wild gothic imagination and history with eerie ta


英文原版 The Odyssey/The Iliad by Homer 荷马史诗英文版(奥德赛+伊利亚特)2本一套豪华毛边本 (荷马史诗)
英文原版 The Odyssey/The Iliad by Homer 荷马史诗英文版(奥德赛+伊利亚特)2本一套豪华毛边本 (荷马史诗)

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The Bostonians

在线阅读本书One of James's most contentious novels and one of the few to be set wholly in America, The Bos

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The Debacle: 1870-71 (Penguin Classics)
The Debacle: 1870-71 (Penguin Classics)

在线阅读本书 Zola wrote that 'my title speaks not merely of a war, but also of the crumbling of a regime

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Heartbreak House

在线阅读本书 Set during a house party at the eccentric household of Captain Shotover and his daughter Hes

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The Absentee (Penguin Classics)
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在线阅读本书 Miss Eyre listened in silence, perplexed but determined to be obedient to the directions of

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Chance: A Tale in Two Parts
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在线阅读本书'It is a mighty force that of mere chance, absolutely irresistible yet manifesting itself ofte

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Pudd'nhead Wilson: and Those Extraordinary Twins
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在线阅读本书 Featuring the brilliantly drawn Roxanna, a mulatto slave who suffers dire consequences after

Mark Twain

The Social Contract
The Social Contract

Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains' - these are the famous opening words of a treatis

Jean•Jacques Rousseau

The Vicar of Wakefield
The Vicar of Wakefield

在线阅读本书 The story opens in the country parsonage of Dr. Primrose, a kindly man who has a good heart,

Oliver Goldsmith

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The Garden Party and Other Stories

在线阅读本书 Innovative, startlingly perceptive and aglow with colour, these fifteen stories were written

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Of Mice and Men

在线阅读本书Drifters in search of work, George and his simple-minded friend Lennie, have nothing in the wo

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The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter

在线阅读本书 Set in the American South, this is the story of a group of people who appear to have little

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The Innocents Abroad
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在线阅读本书 Based on a series of letters Mark Twain wrote from Europe to newspapers in San Francisco and

Mark Twain

The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr
The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr

在线阅读本书 Tomcat Murr is a loveable, self-taught animal who has written his own autobiography. But a p
