Digital Media Management(数字媒体管理)

Frame-By-Frame Stop Motion: The Guide to Non-Traditional Animation Techniques
Frame-By-Frame Stop Motion: The Guide to Non-Traditional Animation Techniques

In a world that is dominated by computer images, alternative stop motion techniques like pixilation,

Tom Gasek

Stand-Out Shorts: Shooting and Sharing Your Films Online
Stand-Out Shorts: Shooting and Sharing Your Films Online

Making movies is no different than any other creative work - don't wait to be told you're good enoug

Russell Evans

The Hot Shoe Diaries: Big Light from Small Flashes
The Hot Shoe Diaries: Big Light from Small Flashes

在线阅读本书 When it comes to photography, it’s all about the light.After spending more than thirty years

Joe McNally

Mastering MultiCamera Techniques: From Preproduction to Editing and Deliverables
Mastering MultiCamera Techniques: From Preproduction to Editing and Deliverables

From a basic two-camera interview to an elaborate 26 camera HD concert film, this comprehensive guid

Mitch Jacobson

Creative Motion Graphic Titling for Film, Video, and the Web: Dynamic Motion Graphic Title Design
Creative Motion Graphic Titling for Film, Video, and the Web: Dynamic Motion Graphic Title Design

Captivate your audience and enhance your storytelling with this tutorial based 4-color cookbook, fea

Yael Braha