《就说你和他们一样》是一个卢旺达小女孩的自述,故事背景是1994年卢旺达大屠杀。书名“就说你和他们一样”就是小说里一位母亲为了保护她的孩子免受暴民所杀,而叮嘱女儿的话。面对图西人和胡图人的暴戾争端,小女孩只记得母亲最后的嘱咐:无论任何人问起你的身份,记住,就说你和他们一样。 “就说你和他们一样”这句话背后有种为求生存而不得不妥协的悲恸,阅读时就像在心里投了一颗未爆炸弹般地感到沉重及震慑。在恐惧、同情及羞耻心的作用下,书中角色引发了我们内心强烈的无助感。或许我们没有力量去改变什么……可是,你至少能做到的是,珍惜,珍惜你所拥有的,更加爱自己,爱生活,更加幸福的活着。Each story in this jubilantly acclaimed collection pays testament to the wisdom and resilience of children, even in the face of the most agonizing circumstances. A family living in a makeshift shanty in urban Kenya scurries to find gifts of any kind for the impending Christmas holiday. A Rwandan girl relates her family’s struggles to maintain a facade of normalcy amid unspeakable acts. A young brother and sister cope with their uncle’s attempt to sell them into slavery. Aboard a bus filled with refugees—a microcosm of today’s Africa—a Muslim boy summons his faith to bear a treacherous ride across Nigeria. Through the eyes of childhood friends the emotional toll of religious conflict in Ethiopia becomes viscerally clear. Uwem Akpan’s debut signals the arrival of a breathtakingly talented writer who gives a matter-of-fact reality to the most extreme circumstances in stories that are nothing short of transcendent.点击链接进入中文版: 就说你和他们一样
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