Blue Jackets of '98; History of the Spanish American War

Blue Jackets of '98; History of the Spanish American War

Willis John Abbot
General Books
227 g

Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: CHAPTER III The Disaster To The " Maine "? Captain Skjbee's Despatch ? Thb State Of Public Opinion ? Why The " Maine " Was Sent To Havana ? Her Reception There ? Precautions Against Attack ? The Explosion ? Frightful Loss Of Life ? Personal Narratives Of Survivors And Eye-witNesses ? The Official Investigations ? Attitude Op The Spaniards ? The Finding Of The Court Of Inquiry ? " Remember The 'maine.' " THE American newspapers of the morning of February 16,1898, blazed with news that stirred the hearts of the people as had no intelligence since the first shot was fired at Fort Sumter; news of a calamity so great as to plunge a nation in mourning ? a disaster so unprecedented, so mysterious, surrounded with so many suspicious circumstances as inevitably to suggest to the most judicial mind the instant thought of treachery blacker and more infamous than any of which Cortes or Pizarro was guilty. The official information, hurriedly given out by the Washington authorities in order that its more restrained tone might counteract the wrathful surmises of the press, was given in this despatch to the Navy Department from Captain Sigsbee, commanding the United States battle-ship " Maine ": "' Maine' blown up in Havana harbour at nine-forty tonight and destroyed. Many wounded and doubtless more killed or drowned. Wounded and others on board Spanish man-of-war and Ward Line steamers. Send lighthouse tenders from. Key West for crew and the few pieces of equipment above water. None has clothing other than that upon him. Public opinion should lie suspended until further report. All officers believed to be saved. Jenkinsand Merritt not yet accounted for. Many Spanish officers, including representative of General Blanco, now with me to express sympathy. SlGSBEE." Captain Sigsbee'...

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