M.Christina Butler

英国进口 Picture books and CD系列10册 英文原版 One Snowy Night 下雪的冬夜/One Winter's Day 寒冷的一天/I've Seen Santa! 我看见圣诞老人啦/Snow Friends 雪中的朋友/The Bears in the Bed and The Great Big Storm/Pooh! Is That You, Bertie?脏小弟/Smelly Peter: The Great Pea Eater/The Very Greedy Bee
英国进口 Picture books and CD系列10册 英文原版 One Snowy Night 下雪的冬夜/One Winter's Day 寒冷的一天/I've Seen Santa! 我看见圣诞老人啦/Snow Friends 雪中的朋友/The Bears in the Bed and The Great Big Storm/Pooh! Is That You, Bertie?脏小弟/Smelly Peter: The Great Pea Eater/The Very Greedy Bee

10册目录: 1:脏小弟喜欢放屁!他无时不刻的放屁!他在牙医诊所偷偷放屁,让妈妈感到丢脸!他在画廊里偷偷放屁,让爸爸非常尴尬,他在咖啡厅里放了一个大臭屁,让奶奶好苦恼,他甚至在姊姊的玩具屋里放屁!让姊

M.Christina Butler