Dante Alighieri

The Divine Comedy 但丁 神曲 英文原版地狱/炼狱/天堂 Inferno, Hell/Purgatorio, Purgatory/Paradiso, Paradise
The Divine Comedy 但丁 神曲 英文原版地狱/炼狱/天堂 Inferno, Hell/Purgatorio, Purgatory/Paradiso, Paradise

The Divine Comedy 但丁 神曲 英文原版地狱/炼狱/天堂 Inferno, Hell/Purgatorio, Purgatory/Paradiso, Paradise,Dante Al

Dante Alighieri

The Paradiso
The Paradiso

In The Paradiso, Dante explores the goal of human striving: the merging of individual destiny with u

Dante Alighieri

The Divine Comedy
The Divine Comedy

Translated by H. F. Cary With an introduction by Claire Honess. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) is one o

Dante Alighieri

The Inferno
The Inferno

Belonging in the company of the works of Homer and Virgil, The Inferno is a moving human drama, a jo

Dante Alighieri

The Divine Comedy
The Divine Comedy

Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso — the three fates of the deceased become the three pillars of an e

Dante Alighieri